With great joy, we are happy to announce that Chennai Kendra will host our Guruji’s Janmotsav program during Jan 4 – 7, 2018. The four day program will include twice daily group meditations, spiritual discourses, review of meditation techniques, spiritual counselling, a video show on Gurudeva, and Kriya Yoga diksha on January 7th.
We welcome all YSS devotees to attend the program. By participation in these programmes, devotees experience great joy and blessings that come from meditating with other sincere seekers, the spiritual fellowship, and mutual exchange of inspiration. During these events, our Yogoda Satsanga sannyasis who will be conducting the function will be most happy to help you and guide you in the application of Gurudeva’s teachings in your daily life.
January 4-7, 2018
The registration fee for the entire programme is Rs 600/ per person. The registration fee is neither refundable nor transferable after you are registered for the function.
Online Registration:
UPDATE: Online Registration is now closed
Offline Registration:
You can also fill up the form which can be downloaded here and submitted in person at the Kendra. While submitting the hard copies of your registration forms you can pay in person in the Kendra either in cash or through a cheque/DD in the name of Yogoda Satsanga Society of India, Chennai.
You can also send the forms and the cheque/DD by post to the Kendra address:
Yogoda Satsanga Dhyana Kendra – Chennai
Paramahansa Yogananda Hall
‘OMKAR’ No. 14, (Old No. 17)
Rajarathinam Street,
Land Mark: Behind EGA Theatre
Chennai 600010
After receiving your Registration Form, a confirmation will be sent to you. Further information about the Janmotsav and directions to reach the venue will be given in the confirmation letter.
Raghavendra Mandapam, New No. 40 Viswanathapuram Main Road, Kodambakkam, Chennai 600024
Phone: (044) 26431141
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.chennai.ysskendra.org
Additional Contact Persons
Smt. Saraswathi Srinivasan: 09444057590; Smt. Hema Premchand: 09094003506; Sri Karunakara Reddy: 09443352178; Smt. S Theivanai: 09444399909; Sri V. S. Sekaran: 09444290157
Meals will be charged @ Rs 180/- (for one day Breakfast, Lunch, Tea and Dinner). This amount can be paid on arrival.
Limited dormitory-style accommodation will be arranged for ladies and gents separately at both the venues. Family members may please plan and pack accordingly.
Volunteer & Support
It is indeed a great privilege to serve our Great Gurus in whatever way we can! Even though many volunteers have come forward to offer their seva during the programme, we still require a large number of volunteers to handle all the activities effectively. We request devotees interested in serving during the Janmotsav programme to kindly write to [email protected]
Your prayers and financial contributions will go a long way in making this function a success. Guruji said: “He is the nearest of the near, the dearest of the dear. Love Him as a miser loves money, as an ardent man loves his sweetheart, as a drowning person loves breath. When you yearn for God with intensity, He will come to you.”
Your active participation in Gurudeva’s Janmotsav 2018 will be a spiritually-uplifting experience to you and your family.